four letters you entered were incorrect."; } if (strlen($subscribe) == 0) { $subscribe = "No"; } if (count($error) == 0) { // If there are no errors in the form input... //$to = ""; $to = ""; // $from = $emailAddress; $from = ""; $subject = "BH Contact Form ($firstName $lastName)"; $message = "The following e-mail was submitted on $dateAdded First Name: $firstName Last Name: $lastName Title: $title Organization: $organization Phone: $phone E-Mail: $emailAddress Mailing Address: $address Comments/Questions: $comments\n End of e-mail"; $headers = "From: $from\r\n"; // $headers .= "Reply-To: $emailAddress\r\n"; $success = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); $sendOk = 1; // add contact $query_contactAdd = "INSERT INTO Contacts SET firstName = '$firstName', lastName = '$lastName', organization = '$organization', title = '$title', address = '$address', address2 = '$address2', city = '$city', state = '$state', zipcode = '$zipcode', country = '$country', phone = '$phone', emailAddress = '$emailAddress', website ='$website', comments = '$comments', subscribe = '$subscribe', dateAdded = '$dateAdded'"; $result_contactAdd = mysql_query($query_contactAdd) or die ("Contact Addition Failed with Error: " .mysql_error()); $sendOk = 1; } } // end Submitchecker ?> <? echo $siteName; ?> _ <? echo $thisSection; ?><? if (strlen($thisSub) > 0): ?> _ <? echo $thisSub; ?><? endif; ?><? if (strlen($thisPage) > 0): ?> _ <? echo $thisPage; ?><? endif; ?>

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